This is a beautiful looking Rose Quartz Crystal Tower which is made from the best quality Rose Quartz rough. This Rose Quartz Crystal Tower sets a perfect example of exemplary craftsmanship. The supreme quality Rose Quartz fresh pink color of the Rose Quartz Crystal Tower looks extremely beautiful. The smooth finish and the detailed design of the Rose Quartz Crystal Tower speaks volume about the quality of attention given to craft this extraordinary piece of art. Height – 14.5 cms, Facet – 6, Weight – 1000 Gms This is a big Rose quartz obelisk. The Rose quartz color is of AA Quality and color. One can keep at Home and work place to attract love and prosperity. This is an exclusive piece
Metaphysical properties
This Rose Quartz Crystal Tower is also called as " tower of love and balance" as it balances and enhances love on all levels. This Rose Quartz Crystal Tower allows fuller love to enter your life. This Rose Quartz Crystal Tower energizes and cleanses the base, sacral and heart chakras. It also balances the mental and emotional processes.
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