Family Quartz with Phantom
Weight – 1200 grams
Shipping: $45.00
Weight – 1200 grams
Shipping: $45.00
Weight-260 Gms , Length - 13 Cm, Exotic Piece with traces of Green Chlorite and phantoms
Shipping: $21.00
Large natural quartz crystal with green color phantom in it. Weight 876 Grams. Height 15 Cm. Approximate Width 6.5 cm on top and 7.5 cm on the base. 6 Faceted Polished obelisk.
Shipping: $40.00
Natural polished crystal with a beautiful phantom inside. Some part is left rough to give more insight into the crystal. Weight 145 Grams. Approximate height 7.5 cm. Width 3.5 to 4 cm.
Shipping: $30.00
Naturally formed red phantom created in quartz crystal
Shipping: $21.00
Green phantom from Madagascar in quartz crystal
Shipping: $7.00
Showing: 6 PRODUCTS